“Well, I applied for a job through Dental Post. I had a phone interview, and then went in for a regular interview one week later. They liked me so much they wanted me to come back for a working interview. Normally they wait until they meet 15 applicants before they make that decision. I went yesterday for my working interview and they were already talking like I had the job. I talked with the office mgr. after and she said that she and Dr. J (who I met my first interview) liked me at the moment they met me. They had 67 applicants apply to their posting. Well she had to get back to me on pay, so she called this morning. She said she talked with the girls at the office and they loved me and wanted me to start today. He offers medical, 401k and quarterly bonuses. I work 4 days a week Mon-Fri 8am -5 pm. One day off during the week. No weekends. Yeah!! I am so excited.”